Loyalty Program
Loyalty Program Points per Order
Calculates the number of points awarded based on a specific order total for a particular store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read - Loy...
Store Loyalty Status
Retrieves information about the overall status (active/inactive) and program name of a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read - Loyal...
Info Page
Retrieves information about the store's loyalty program info page content.
loyalty_program.read - Loyalty Program Read
Loyalty Program Activation
Activates a loyalty program for a store.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & Write
Loyalty Status
Retrieves information about the overall status (active/inactive) of a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read - Loyalty Program Read
Set Points Expiration
Sets the expiration period for loyalty points within a store's program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & Write
Cashback Rule Method Update
Updates the configuration of a cashback rule within a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & Writ...
Cashback Rule Method Update Status
Enables or disables a specific cashback rule method within a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read &am...
Add Points Redemption Method
Creates a new redemption method (e.g., gift certificate) for a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read &...
Update Points Redemption Method
Updates the details of an existing redemption method within a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read &a...
Delete Points Redemption Method
Deletes a specific redemption method from a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & Write
Toggle Redemption Method Status
Enables or disables a specific redemption method within a store's loyalty program.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & ...
Show Loyalty Points Info for Specific Customer
Retrieves detailed information about a specific customer's loyalty points, including balance and transaction history.
loyalty_program.read -...
Customer Profile
Retrieves detailed information about a specific customer, including their loyalty program data.
loyalty_program.read - Loyalty Program Read
List Data
Retrieves list data relevant to the loyalty program configuration.
loyalty_program.read - Loyalty Program Read
Customer Points History
Retrieves the transaction history of a specific customer's loyalty points activity.
loyalty_program.read - Loyalty Program Read
Info Page - Managers
Retrieves information about the store's loyalty program info page content.
loyalty_program.read - Loyalty Program Read
Update Info Page
Updates the content of the store's loyalty program info page.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & Write
Adjust Customer Points
Allows manual adjustments to a customer's loyalty points balance.
loyalty_program.read_write - Loyalty Program Read & Write