Managing Products
Get a Product by ID
Get product by ID as Manager or as Customer.
Managers need to provide the Authorization and X-Manager-Token headers, and the Role should be set to Ma...
Retrieve a list of products
This endpoint retrieves a list of products associated with a given Store ID. The results are paginated and can be controlled with the parameters page_...
Create a new product
This endpoint allows you to create a new product, including support for:
Grouped Products: You can now create products that are part of a group. This...
Update an existing product.
This endpoint lets you modify an existing product. You can update various aspects of the product, including:
General Details: Edit core information l...
Bulk update of products using their IDs or SKUs
This endpoint allows you to update multiple products at once by specifying their IDs or SKUs along with the new data. This makes managing large invent...
Delete a product.
Delete a product by its ID.
products.read_write - Products Read & Write
Product Setting
The product setting endpoint allows merchants to retrieve the current product settings status from their dashboard. These settings control various asp...