Product Categories
Get Single Category Details
Retrieves detailed information about a specific category, including its attributes, status, and associated products or subcategories, based on the pro...
Get all categories
Fetches all the available categories for a certain store, including details such as their names, status, SEO information, and the number of products t...
Create Store Category
Use this endpoint to add a new store category. - Products Read
Update a Store Category
Use this endpoint to update only one store category
products.read_write - Products Read & Write
Add a product to a certain category
Use this endpoint to add a new product to a certain category by specifying the product id and providing the category id in the request body.
Publish/Unpublish a Category
Use this endpoint to either publish or unpublish a certain category.
products.read_write - Products Read & Write
Detach Category from All Products
Detach a specified category from all products in the store. This essentiallydisassociates the category from all products it was linked to, but does no...
Remove Category from Product
This endpoint removes a specified category from a particular product. This actiondoes not delete the category itself, but disassociates it from the pr...