Customizing Copyright Text
Zid merchants can easily update and customize the copyright text displayed in their store. As a theme developer, it’s crucial to ensure this text is dynamically integrated into the theme, allowing merchants to apply changes effortlessly.
Copyright Configuration Steps for Merchants
This feature is available only to stores on the Growth package and higher.
Merchants can manage their store’s copyright text from Zid's Store Design Settings page.
![CleanShot 2024-10-14 at 18.44.52@2x.png]( updates made here are automatically saved and reflected within the store
data object, specifically under store.copyrights
. . For more details on how this data is structured, refer to the store data schema.
Code Snippet Integration for Theme Partners
This HTML snippet demonstrates how to display the store's copyright text in the theme's footer. The {{ store.copyrights | raw}}
code dynamically retrieves and displays the text set by the merchant, ensuring that any updates in the Merchant Dashboard are automatically reflected in the theme.
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">
<span class="text-center footer-copyrights">
{{ store.copyrights | raw}}