Store Settings
The Settings component of the Zid Themes Library offers functions to access various store settings, such as retrieving lists of countries, city details, terms and conditions, and privacy policies.
Fetch Countries
Function: fetchCountries
Description: Retrieves a list of countries available in the store settings.
Usage: (response) { /* Handle response */ });
Fetch Cities of a Country
Function: fetchCitiesOfCountry
Description: Fetches a list of cities for a specified country.
- The unique identifier of the country.
Usage: (response) { /* Handle response */ });
Fetch Terms and Conditions
Function: fetchTermsAndCondition
Description: Gets the store's terms and conditions as set in the store settings.
Usage: (response) { /* Handle response */ });
Fetch Privacy Policy
Function: fetchPrivacyPolicy
Description: Retrieves the store's privacy policy as defined in the settings.
Usage: (response) { /* Handle response */ });